
Keeping Track re: the Wall Street Journal

Great video regarding keeping track of everything from the Wall Street Journal:

Click “play” button then continue reading…

I have long recommended using 37 Signals’ BackPackIt as a efficient means to keep files and information securely stored and accessible from the web. Less than $10 per month gives account holders 100 secure pages to which you can load files, pictures, documents, graphics, collect notes, to dos, and basically project manage from the web. Each page works independently of the others and can be shared independently or be held as private. A basic account also provides you with a web based calendar.

For more information or to sign up:

I am also a big believer in pen and paper. Although I type at a pretty good rate (still), there’s nothing like putting your notes down on paper which helps root them into your brain. I do like the index card/binder clip suggestion; but caution that index cards give nasty paper cuts. For a less stiff option, try the D-A-F-T PocketMod:

What’s a D-A-F-T PocketMod you ask?

It’s one piece of paper, folded a certain way, which gives you an eco-friendly, discreet and practical place for handwritten notes and such. To get your own 2009 D-A-F-T PocketMod, sign up for The Legal Connection E-zine from any page of http://www.legaltypist.com (upper right corner).

If you’d like to learn more about my D-A-F-T system for organization –